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  • Big Data and Analytics

    Bring together all of the data you need

    Data volumes are exploding—from traditional point-of-sale systems and e-commerce websites to new customer sentiment sources like Twitter and IoT sensors that stream data in real time using Apache Hadoop and Spark. By analysing a diverse dataset from the start, you will make more informed decisions that are predictive and holistic rather than reactive and disconnected.

    “Being able to get very actionable insights at an individual restaurant level is game changing. If you know specifically that a particular restaurant has a heat and speed problem, or what particular items are reported as cold or which particular servers are slow or what is causing the bottleneck, that is game changing and you are getting it in real time.”

    Wade Allen, Vice President of Digital Innovation and Customer Engagement

    Hold onto your most valuable asset—big data

    Keep your organisation’s data indefinitely, no matter the size. Instead of making cost tradeoffs on what data to hold onto, retain your data to meet regulatory and company standards at affordable prices—now possible with Hadoop and Spark technologies and the cloud.

    “It is part of our audit requirements that we keep data for seven years and some information has to be retained for as long as 30 years. With HDInsight, we can store more data and query it as needed.”

    Don Wood, Manager of Database Administration

    Deliver a personalised experience to customers

    Different people want different experiences. Delight your customers with a personalised experience that changes based on their behavior, even offering recommended products that include dynamic discounts for a personalised shopping experience. Give suppliers a predictive list of things to purchase based on current order information and historical customer data.

    “Until now, we have not had the ability to optimise the guest experience based on their specific interactions with the devices. With Azure we can close the loop.”

    Kevin Mowry, Chief Software Architect

    Create a more cost-effective supply chain

    Integrate big data from across the enterprise value chain and use advanced analytics in real time to optimise supply-side performance and save money. Embrace proactive measures with a live view into your supply chain—assess inventory levels, predict product fulfillment needs and identify potential backlog issues.

    “We wanted to go beyond the industry standard of preventative maintenance to offer predictive and even preemptive maintenance, so we can guarantee a higher uptime percentage on our elevators.”

    Andreas Schierenbeck, CEO

    Be more efficient in everything you do

    Uncover insights buried in your data to optimise the way you do business. Whether organising human resources, managing supply chains or forecasting staff and customer needs, understanding the factors that affect operational efficiency is essential to streamlining your business.

    “We plan to deploy Microsoft Azure technologies across all of our monitoring applications, because they enable us to orchestrate data more effectively across increasingly complex environments. We can serve remote customers, wherever in the world they are, at a level of efficiency that has not been possible before.”

    John Dyck, Director of Software Business Development

    Related Azure services and Microsoft products


    Provision cloud Hadoop, Spark, R Server, HBase, and Storm clusters

    Data Lake Analytics

    Distributed analytics service which makes big data easy

    Machine Learning Studio

    Easily build, deploy and manage predictive analytics solutions